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Updated: 2023-11-25

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Tuesday, March 1, 2022

We slept rather well with the family in Lat Krabang.

Today we want to do only two things, going to a dentist to check Pia drawn tooth and get groceries, such as bread, cheese and yogurt.
In the morning and part of the afternoon we are busy cleaning up, some messing around on the computer and telephone and reading.

At half past three Moue takes us to Hua Ta Kee where Pia wants to go to a dentist who at least 10 years ago placed a few crowns. The dentist who pulled her tooth has not done a good job according to Pia, especially the lack of attention is annoying.
Unfortunately, the dentist we are looking for died a few months ago, but Pia can agree with the lady who has taken over the practice, it is an acquaintance of the deceased dentist. After fifteen minutes Pia is ready, everything goes well with the tooth, but it can take a while before all sensitivity is gone. Nothing needs to be paid.

With a taxi we go to the Paseo Lat Krabang where we first have to pin money. For unclear reasons that does not succeed with our ING passes, so we pin with the ABNAmro pass and that goes well.
At Villa Market we do some shopping, cheese, yogurt, beer, wine and bread. We wonder what we are going to eat tonight and we decide to eat at Kai Yang Khao Suan Kwang in the Paseo Lat Krabang.

Link: Villa Market.

Written on: 2022-03-02


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